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Bluetooth Car

Android app controlled bluetooth car

Long Story Short

I went to IIT BHU in my first year and met many robotics enthusiasts there. After coming back I did my mini robot building reasearch and learned about Arduino.
Then i strived for weeks to understand the basics and made this cool car for myself (which took me couple of weeks to make it functional).

Technology Stack

Arduino UNO
Adafruit Motor Shield
Bluetooth HC-05

The hardwares was obviously brought from stores. Rest was built as collaborative work of many youtube tutorials.
The car uses HC-05 bluetooth module that is used to establish a connection between the car and android device. Once the car is connected, it can be controlled using the app (which i found on Playstore).

Components of the car are:
  • Arduino UNO board
  • Motor shield
  • Motors (4x)
  • External power source

Radio controlled toys have always been great fun to play with. But this car gave a next level of satisfaction, as it was built by me :)

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